Wednesday, December 29, 2010

People from the Photography class

Though much of the class was spent on inanimate objects, we also did some of each other. Here are a few that turned out pretty good.

Yes as you can tell, it as a large class. I would guess around 200 students, but it was put together so well it didn't seem to matter.

These are the instructors of the class. They offer a couple "on location" type things that one day I will have the 1700.00 for the class plus the money to get there and a hotel to stay at in Montana so I can go shoot horses stampeding and such. It would really be sooo cool. One day.

Val Westover also took these photos of me with my camera during the class so I thought I would include them.

Since we didn't have the horses, they ran through the gauntlet of photographers to teach us how to "capture movement" or "freeze movement" depending on what effect you are trying to get. It was lots of fun.

It was a really fun full day. Thanks John for the class and taking the day off work to keep Ellie so I could go to the class too.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Hacienda in Tempe

So a few months ago, I went to another photography class. To perfect things I'm not perfect at, to learn things I may have missed, to get a different perspective and idea on my photos I take.

Typically I haven't done much with nature and such so it was fun to spend a few hours working on those types of shots. Really figuring out and understanding my camera and lighting and my eye even more than I did. I've taken several photography classes. I have loved each one for different reasons. This was a very different approach than the others I have taken. While some of the stuff was review for me, I still came away thinking that was some well spent money! Here's a few of my favorites from the hundreds and hundreds of shots I took of inanimate objects.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010